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Please read through before clicking any links.
The video may need time to buffer, it did for me, so if it is choppy the 1st time just replay it and you shouldn't have a problem. This video is about 40 seconds long. I may do one more, but the rest of the 14 min vid I will mail out to family and friends.
Hi everyone. Just lett'n ya all know that we're back from Orlando 8(
OK, I got several pics up. About 33 and there are more I'm just not posting them. Click on the pics above and it will take you to my photo album or video.
It will be set up as a slideshow. You can stop it manually and just click through on your own if you wish so you can take your time and absorb the pics 8p Simply click on the Pause || button until it displays the Play arrow |> , then click the forward arrow |>|> and click through at your own pace.
From there just click on the "Vacation" link on the left and scroll through. You can look at the smaller pics which will load faster and are a bit crisper OR you can goto full screen view. The pic take about 3 secs to load and arn't as crisp, but I think it's very good quality. You'll see the next page loading up in the lower left as a value of percentages.
brb with a post in a day or 2.