Miami Milestones
This is a series of electronic journals, a diary if you will, of my life here in Miami. It is written in a open format that will enable all those family and friends who wish to contact me or to keep in touch. ... Remember that you can post Anonymously in the posting section so yo dont need a log-in ID or anything ...
Sunday, October 30, 2005
Saturday, October 29, 2005
Some Post Hurricane Wilma pics
But 1st a pic of my office desk ..kinda the same really, ..
Lots of pics here so there might be a delay in the downloading. You may need to refresh your webpage if all the pics don't display.

Our Wilma Refrig

Yes, this is a lighting post that was sheared off its metal and concreate base.

Tankers waiting to get into port

It was down to a brisk 65% on Weds so we had to put on our winter clothes

We can't afford new clothes so, I dressed up in the changing room and we took pictures 8p

Thursday, October 27, 2005
I've recently been seeing a lot of unwanted spam so I'm using a 'word verification' to posts which will hopefully prevent bots from spaming my blog.
Just type in the word that you see when you click the comments link.
More Wilma.
Well, quite an exciting week.
I'll put some pictures up shortly.
Yesterday, the power come on along Washington and Collins ave on the beach. There happens to be a gas station there so I got up early and arrived about 745am at what I thought would be ahead of the crowd that would be waiting in line for the gas. I had to wait around the block and took about 3 hours to get gas and we were only allowed to buy $25 worth. By the time I was done the gas line went around the block and several blocks down Washington.
This morning the other two gas stations came on line and as I was leaving for woek the lines were already starting to form.
Regions offered up to 6 gallons of free gas that was distributed at work via the tanks on the property as well as 5 gallons of drinking water, ice and other items.
With the power now running at the beach and us supplied we'll have enough to get about another 5 days or so. Still need that gas though. There are gas tankers in harbours, but no power to get the gas off of the boats to the stations. FPL has bade that a priority.
What was most upsetting when the power was out was all the cubans barking at each other. They don't seem to have any concept of a "soft voice". Everything must be done loudly. Veronique says that they have diaerra mouth because it never stops running.
And through all of this Veronique still managed to whip up some amazing meals. I don't know how she does it!
She even made Rice Pudding !! How 'bout that!
at 10:45 PM on Wedesday Oct 26th we Finally had alll the lights come on. Lets see if they stay that way.
Tuesday, October 25, 2005
Hurricane Wilma
Hey everyone,
We're Ok, but with out power through-out a 50 mile area. I'm at work now where they have a dozen huge power generators. I'm low on Gas, which is My own fault for not filling up over the weekend. We do have running water and our gas oven / stove is working. There is going to be free water / ice given out later today, which I need to go get b/c our fridge has lost most of its coolness. Th epolice have cut off access to the beach, which might make it difficult for me to get back in and the brickell area is a mess.
See the news link at the lower right for updates. It may be awhile before I post again b/c with -out power to pump gas I cant get to work.
Link to CNN about Wilma. (copy and paste in browser)
The picture shown is about 3 blocks-ish from us Video stream
Sunday, October 16, 2005
I know i havn't written anything lately. I just havnt been in the mood to sit down and type. I'll try later this week.
So now I'm sick b/c the A/C at work is broken and it was 50 deg in the office.
I'll try to write over the weekend.
Well, I've been sick for a week now and it doesn't seem to be letting up. It is mostly in my throat which makes it difficult and hurtful for me to speak.
I sound like a frog, my head feels like a balloon, and my skin feels like its on fire.
Therefore, I wont be posting anything until I start to feel better and eat something.