Tuesday, October 25, 2005

Hurricane Wilma

Hey everyone,

We're Ok, but with out power through-out a 50 mile area. I'm at work now where they have a dozen huge power generators. I'm low on Gas, which is My own fault for not filling up over the weekend. We do have running water and our gas oven / stove is working. There is going to be free water / ice given out later today, which I need to go get b/c our fridge has lost most of its coolness. Th epolice have cut off access to the beach, which might make it difficult for me to get back in and the brickell area is a mess.

See the news link at the lower right for updates. It may be awhile before I post again b/c with -out power to pump gas I cant get to work.

Link to CNN about Wilma. (copy and paste in browser)
The picture shown is about 3 blocks-ish from us

NBC6.net Video stream



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