Wednesday, May 18, 2005


UPDATE New easy to use link 8)
I'll be updating the site shortly

After MONTHS of Work I've FINALLYGot the web site up and it is ready for BETA Testing.

Now for those that don't know what beta testing is; it means that the site in NOT complete. It's up for me to gleam feedback and fix some of the obvious and not so obvious errors. Some features are left intentionally blank, such as the shopping cart. Those links are dead because there isn't any back end support for it ...yet.

PLEASE take some time to go to the forums website and tell me what you would like to see changed. A color here, a different format there ... you get the idea.

BTW , I just noticed that there isnt any way to navigate back to the homepage b/c I forgot to add the link 8p ... WHOOPS ! Also, the flash is sometimes slow to load so once it loads I suggest re-freshing the page. It should load faster after the 1st time... Anywho , click away



At 3:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think your site looks pretty cool. I like the background music from Kill Bill. So after quickly scanning the site it looks like I could post comments on the game I'm currently playing, Medal of Honor: Allied Invasion. Am I correct in that assumption? And will you be selling games as well, or just providing links to sellers? At any rate, I like it


At 6:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Darryl,

Yes you can post comments on any game you choose. Everything that you see on the site I will be seling + more. At present I am not selling anything b/c I do not have any back end support. I need to get set up through the stare of Fl and the us govt, then talk to the suppliers and finally make sure that everything is working when John Doe Customer clicks on a link that they are purchashing what they want and that it is going to be recieved where they want. So there is much more work yet to do.

In the meantime feel free to post what ever you wish about any gaming, comic or media topic.



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