Miami Milestones
This is a series of electronic journals, a diary if you will, of my life here in Miami. It is written in a open format that will enable all those family and friends who wish to contact me or to keep in touch. ... Remember that you can post Anonymously in the posting section so yo dont need a log-in ID or anything ...
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
The Short Bus ....
I already knew I was dumber than the fifth graders, now it's the preschoolers turn!!??
Which way is the bus below traveling?
To the left or to the right?

Can't make up your mind?
Look carefully at the picture again.
Still don't know?
Pre-schoolers all over the United States
Were shown this picture asked the same question.
90% of the pre-schooler's gave this answer.
"The bus is traveling to the left."
When asked, "Why do you think the bus is traveling to the left?"
They answered:
"Because you can't see the door to get on the bus."
How do you feel now ???
I know, me too.
Sunday, December 02, 2007

Some video :
Christmas Wreath
Christmas Wreath
Brennan Playing on the Floor.
Brennan Floor Play 1
Brennan Floor Play 2
Brennan Floor Play 3