Miami Milestones
This is a series of electronic journals, a diary if you will, of my life here in Miami. It is written in a open format that will enable all those family and friends who wish to contact me or to keep in touch. ... Remember that you can post Anonymously in the posting section so yo dont need a log-in ID or anything ...
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Glad Grad
(Pic taken from Daniel Barabers IPhone)
Yeeea for Veronique !! She managed to get her Paralegal Certification ! After months of work and giving birth to our son ( during the last 3 weeks of class no less ) she achieved a top notch education and skill set, maintaining a high GPA (only one "C" because, well ... she had a baby right before that test) granted from an the University of Miami that she can be VERY proud of. She even was singled out, while holding Brennan, by Dan Barber, the co-creator of the program, with a room full of applause for her accomplishment of our child and still getting through it with such high grades. He even asked her for a testimonial.
This program is taught at many universities through out the nation. In fact, the University of Berkely grants this program as a 8 credit GRADUATE LEVEL course !! Here follow the link the the main paralegal site to see all the universities :
Here are a few pic's from the cermony :


Veronique with Dan Barber. Dan is the co-creator of the program and has been recognized on the Senate floor for his accomplishments in Continuing Education.

The Glad Grad after the ceremony.
Click here for more pics.