I know its been awhile sinse my last post, but I've been busy, tired and lazy. I'll try to write something soon.
This is a series of electronic journals, a diary if you will, of my life here in Miami. It is written in a open format that will enable all those family and friends who wish to contact me or to keep in touch. ... Remember that you can post Anonymously in the posting section so yo dont need a log-in ID or anything ...
I know its been awhile sinse my last post, but I've been busy, tired and lazy. I'll try to write something soon.
We went out last night to my company's Christmas party. There are not many pictures b/c we were busy rubbing elbows with executives, officers and managers of the International division. A division of the bank that does about $40 million yrly in revenue. There are two locations, so it was a nice, elegant and professional occasion to meet and associate with other bankers that work with these large commercial accounts.