Thanksgiving Day '05 Pics
SO I thought I'd put a few Thanksgiving day photo's up.
This one is of the place settings .. someone moved the plate and I didn't notice girrrrr. The stuffing is IN the Turkey and I have to say that it is a meal unto itself !

Veronique did Great for her 1st made from scratch Thanksgiving Turkey. It was my job to stay out of the kitchen and I did it well.
This one is of us at the table. I have to make note of my smirk b/c Veronique was laughing so hard at the picture. Elvis "I'll have a Blue Christmas" was playing in the background .. SOoo, I was inadverntatly smirking at the moment that the camera went off.

The King LIVES ! .. Aaa-Ha-Huh

Veronique always wondered why I use the digital compass in my truck to navigate around. Well, b/c I get easily lost and do not have one of those GPS systems. Shortly after Veronique got her car, she too had noticed how much easier it would be with a compass. SO She MADE one to help her navigate. Take a look ...

You think this is a joke, but it's Not ! ... At least she knows that no matter where she's at she is always heading North !