Saturday, September 17, 2005

Monty's Raw Bar

After MANY weeks I finally was able to take Veronique out on a muchly need date 8p

We went to Monty's for happy hour after work, although she was (and still is) feeling sick. The place was MOBBED. We had to sit on the sidewalk, which was ok, but I would have liked to be at the tiki bar /shrug. It was still a very pleasent evening.
BTW, I know I need a hair cut, so let it be ... 8p

The Miami Beach Marina is behind us and we are looking onto Monty's Raw Bar.

Below is a pic of me and a plastic Guinness

And Veronique

Our next purchase ...

An interesting clip I found out of the Miami Herald Sunday Newspaper ...

And of course at least one of Cece ...

And WHOOPS .. I Almost forgot this one.. Veronique wanted me to post it ...


At 8:56 AM, Blogger DonSchenck said...

You need a haircut!

HA HA HA ... *smile*


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