Friday, December 10, 2004

Success is a frame of Mind...Right?

I haven’t written anything in awhile, nothing with any depth at any rate. Most of this is due to spending oddles of time trying to put together a business plan so that someday I can own my own company(s) and be my own boss.

Today I found out that the company that I work for now just raised our quota by nearly 30% and lowered commissions by about 25% and to do this during Christmas is a whole another topic. Money is tight enough for me as it is and I am most certainly being under utilized. Never-the-less these are the cards that I have been delt and, as always, it is up to me to make something happen. One of my closest and dearest friends -Laura- once told me something that has stuck with me for a long time, she said that:

"You are a survivor, with the uncanny ability to make life happen FOR you, on your terms and you ALWAYS succeed."

When I think back on my life I find that she is right. I have purchased a truck that I always dreamed of having; I got my BA degree after years of struggle and determination. I decided to move far out of the area to Miami, FL alone. Just me, my truck and a uhaul. I have been living on my own and with others. But among all those life events and many more to numerous to list, there has been one truth. I achieved success because I chose to believe in myself. That I *CAN* and *WILL* achieve my goals no matter what. And I say to you all now - I *WILL* own several businesses and I *AM* going to be a multi-millionaire with several businesses throughout the country. Success is a frame of mind, an unwavering determination. If you don't believe in yourself no one else will.

There is still much for me to do. I am submitting resumes as often as I come across employment opportunities that fit my skill-set and that will challenge me, while writing, researching and developing a business model to submit to investors. It will be a good year before I will see the fruits of my labor at the very least.

-Well off to lunch, maybe I write more later .. 8p I think I need to clear my head a bit more. At least there isn’t much there to clear out 8p

-Ciudate ~ /wink


630pm eastern ... I just happened to be scaming some webpages at when I came across this particuliar article.

I thought it was interesting that I was writting about the same subject eairler today ....


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